Happy 80th Birthday Mick Jones!
Celebrating the legendary guitarist and founder of Foreigner… Thank You Mick!
Michael Leslie Jones was born on December 27, 1944 in Portsmouth, Hampshire, England.
Juke Box Hero!
Mick Jones performing onstage in 1978.
Photo Credit: Neil Zlozower/atlasicons.com
I’ve heard Mick Jones and his band Foreigner on the radio for as long as I can remember. Foreigner is one of my favorite Classic Rock bands. I have seen them in concert twice, including in 1996 with their legendary front man Lou Gramm. In retrospect, experiencing the live performances of legendary Classic Rock bands like Foreigner as a young adult helped me rediscover some really great music and riffs from days gone by, especially that of the muscle car-driven mid-‘70s.
“Rev on the Red Line”
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
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