Happy 70th Birthday Diamond Dave!
Celebrating the legendary front man of my favorite band… Thank You Dave!
David Lee Roth was born on October 10, 1954 in Bloomington, Indiana (U.S.A.)
“It's not whether you win or lose, it's how good you looked doing it!” - David Lee Roth
Photo Credit: George Rose/Getty Images
A few more famous quotes and a little advice from Diamond Dave…
"He who knows how will always work for he who knows why."
"The world's a stage, and I want the brightest spot."
"It hasn't got that much to do with ego. The world doesn't revolve around me. But I'm a competitor, not a spectator on this earth."
"Look at all the people here tonight!”
“Gimme a bottle o'anythin' and a glazed donut - TO GO!"
"Remember, life is just a game and no one gets out alive."
Who’s That Girl? Dave shares a laugh with the future “Queen of Pop”…
David Lee Roth with Madonna at his birthday party held at Area nightclub in New York City on October 10, 1984.
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