Happy 60th Birthday DMC!
Celebrating the legendary rapper and founding member of Run-DMC… Thank You Darryl!
Darryl Matthews McDaniels was born on May 31, 1964 in Harlem, New York City, New York (U.S.A.)
“Well my name is DMC, the all-time great.”
Photo Credit: Jonathan Mannion
While I remembered Run-DMC from the movie “Krush Groove”, I did not connect with their rhythms and rhymes until the Summer between seventh and eighth grade. Their legendary 1986 album “Raising Hell”, along with “Licensed to Ill” by their comrades, the Beastie Boys, cemented my love for ‘80s Rap and Hip-Hop. "My Adidas", “Peter Piper”, "Walk This Way", "You Be Illin'" and "It's Tricky" all take me right back to the beginning of my teenage years.
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