Happy 50th Birthday Alanis Morissette!
Celebrating the influential singer-songwriter… Thank You Alanis!
Alanis Nadine Morissette was born on June 1, 1974 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
The Queen of Alternative Rock.
Photo Credit: Terry O’Neill; Getty Images. Source: ew.com
“Whether it occurs when a radio station abruptly changes its format, when a restaurant removes a favorite dish from its menu, when an athlete suffers a knee injury, or when a person needs to make lifestyle changes due to health issues, change comes to us in many different forms, from different directions, and often concurrently, whether we realize it or not. This is mostly because our world, our universe, is said to be in a “constant” state of flux; “always” in motion. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus long ago said, ‘change is the only constant in life.’ Or, to quote Alanis, ‘Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think...?’”
- Woodard, Anthony. “For Those About to Rock…”. Feb. 16, 2023
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