Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Synchronicity!
To all my fellow fans of The Police…
This remarkable album was released on June 17, 1983.
This is the cover art for the album Synchronicity by the artist The Police. The cover art copyright is believed to belong to the label, A&M, or the graphic artist(s).
According to Wikipedia.org, “the album's original cover artwork, conceived by Jeff Ayeroff and Norman Moore, consisted of a series of photographs overlaid with transparent horizontal stripes of blue, red, and yellow. The album was available in 36 variations, with different arrangements of the colour stripes and showing different photographs of the band members, taken by Duane Michals. In the most common version Sting is reading a copy of Carl Jung's Synchronicity on the front cover along with a superimposed negative image of the actual text of the synchronicity hypothesis. A photo on the back cover also shows a close-up, but mirrored and upside-down, image of Jung's book.”
“And, what are we to make of those unexpected and seemingly unexplained, often brief, interactions and interchanges with others, or of “meaningful coincidences”, which Carl Jung defined as “synchronicity”? Are such items and events glimpses of a higher order or a greater plan? Are they the result of confirmation bias? Are they gentle nudges or unconscious reminders from the universe, ourselves, or both, that guide us from one place to another?…”
- Woodard, Anthony. “For Those About to Rock…”. Feb. 16, 2023
My wife and I were fortunate to see the iconic band play live at the venerable Wrigley Field in Chicago and later in Kansas City (Sprint Center) during their 2007-08 Reunion Tour. Looking back, it seemed as if we tried to take in all of the sights and sounds (and tastes) of Chicago that memorable weekend in ‘07, including the “Taste of Chicago” at Grant Park.
Photo Credit: Anthony Woodard
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