Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Stay Hungry!
Thank you Dee!
This raucous album was released on May 10, 1984.
A face only a mother could love… This is the cover art for the album "Stay Hungry" by Twisted Sister.
My parents were not fans of Heavy Metal and my late father especially could not stand Twisted Sister; he didn’t like their image (see above), message, videos, or music… I remember us often sparring over our car’s cassette deck, bouts that would usually end with my “Stay Hungry” tape being unceremoniously hurled to the far corner of the Toronado; We’re Not Gonna Take It! The band’s campy videos and their message of young rebellion always ruffled my dad’s feathers. Looking back, I don’t think he recognized the videos’ antagonists. They were based on actor Mark Metcalf’s “Douglas C. Neidermeyer”, the memorable villain from one of my dad’s (and my) all-time favorite comedies, “Animal House”; You’re all worthless and weak!
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