Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Ride the Lightning!
To all my fellow Metallica fans…
This electrified album was released on July 27, 1984.
This is the cover art for the album "Ride the Lightning" by the artist Metallica.
Although rooted in the thrash metal genre, “Ride the Lightning” showcased the band's musical growth and lyrical sophistication. The late bassist Cliff Burton introduced the basics of music theory to the band and had more input in the songwriting. Beyond the fast tempos of its debut “Kill 'Em All”, Metallica broadened its approach by employing acoustic guitars, extended instrumentals, and more complex harmonies. Many rock publications have ranked Ride the Lightning on their best album lists, saying it had a lasting impact on the genre.
Source: Wikipedia.org
“The Summer of 1994 was a crazy, fun time in my life. Work hard, play hard... It was a time filled with parties, concerts, and stories, stories that still make me smile and sometimes also think, ‘I can’t believe I did that...’.”
- Woodard, Anthony. “Driving with binoculars...”. Mar. 16, 2023
Sandstone Amphitheater. Wednesday, August 10, 1994.
For whom the bell tolls? A close call in the parking lot before the show…
My favorite song from the album... Oh, what a night!
“Fade to Black (live)” at Sandstone Amphitheater - August 10, 1994
Source: YouTube KRMedley
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