Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Return of the Jedi!
Return to a galaxy far, far away…
This iconic movie had its theatrical release on May 25, 1983.
Source: imdb.com
The cultural impact of “Return of the Jedi”, along with the rest of the original Star Wars trilogy, was monumental. I vividly remember seeing this film at our local theater about a week or so after it came out. I also remember my friends and I spending the next few weeks reenacting the epic lightsaber duels with whiffle ball bats, ultimately resulting in quite a few welts and bruised egos; boys will be boys. And, hearing John Williams' score for Star Wars, takes me right back to 1983 (and also 1980, when my dad took me to see Empire). Like the Millennium Falcon, music has the power to defy the constraints of space and time. Looking back, I wish I would have kept that Falcon… Grrr!
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